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Australia first competed at a World Championship tournament in 1997 and Skipping Queensland has a long and proud association, with athletes from Queensland clubs representing Australia on the international stage at World Championships since 1999. 


Throughout the history of Australia’s World Championships participation, Queensland athletes have amassed a record haul of gold, silver and bronze medals in individual and team events, with wins and placings for component events and overall status.


Snap Shot of Queensland Athletes'  2024 Achievements 






New Australian Records:

Cleveland Air Magic: 14 New Records

Earnshaw Eagles: 2 New Records

Hot Shots: 1 New Record

King's Skipperoos: 3 New Records

St Luke's Leapers: 5 New Records



First Ever Australian National Grand Champions: 2024

Jaymee Gilbert, Jessica Poon, Chloe Mol, Jemma Bahari, Belle Charlesworth, Naomi Tucker, Makella Hoad, Lilly Barker, Jake Eve, Ben Cooper, Mav Larkin, Luke Boon 


International :​

China Open:

SRE: 1st - Jaymee 

SRDUR: 1st - Jaymee & Jess

SRSR: 1st- Jaymee, Jess , Makella, Naomi

SRPF: 1st - Ben, Jaymee

WF: 1st- Ben, Belle

DDSS: 1st - Makella, Naomi, Belle

DDSR (Mix): 1st - Ben, Makella, Naomi, Belle 

DDSF: 1st - Naomi, Emma, Belle

SRTF: 1st - Ben, Jaymee, Makella, Belle

SRF: 1st Jaymee

Demo Cup (Group) - 1st 

Best Performance Award (Team) - Australia

Overall  Individual Champion Open Female - Jasmine Hawkins


1st ever GOLD in DDC Performance:

& 1 x 30 Speed - Luke, Mav, Belle

72 Queensland athletes representing Australia in Japan as part of  TEAM AUSTRALIA 2025

Marcus Li Memorial Award 1st ever recipient (National)

Mackenzi Hoy - King's Skipperoos


Double Under World Record

190 Jumps (Tie)

Jaymee Gilbert & Jessica Poon


​DDSR Mixed World Record

 416 Jumps

Luke Boon, Ben Cooper, Lilly Barker, Mav Larkin

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